Tamis River floodplain
Tamis river in Serbia is 118 km long, and along this stream there are large areas of wetlands, dynamic water surfaces, along with numerous oxbow lakes, inlets, swamps, depressions, wetland pastures, alluvial forests, as well as fishponds, mosaic-like agricultural land and picturesque rural land. This region holds two internationally important bird areas.
Birds include: Pygmy Cormorant, Bittern, Little Bittern, Great White Egret, Squacco Heron, Spoonbill, Ferruginous Duck, Garganey, White-tailed Eagle, Marsh Harrier, Water Rail, Corn Crake, Little Crake, Whiskered and Black Terns, Lesser spotted and Syrian Woodpeckers, Wryneck, Red-backed Shrike, Penduline Tit, Bearded Tit, Great Reed Warbler, Marsh Warbler, River Warbler, Savi's Warbler.