Town of Kikinda is well known as the World Owl Capital. This unique site is a town square which hosts the larges Long-eared Owl roost of up to 750 birds! This phenomenon gathers thousands of visitors every winter who come to experience masses of owls, to take photos from a real close, but also to taste some local dishes and wines.
During the winter here you can also look up for some urban dwelling Short-eared Owls, Little Owls and Syrian Woodpeckers, while around the town you can stop for some Hen Harriers and Great Grey Shrikes. In spring and summer town parks and gardens are full with singing Black Redstarts, Common Nightingales and Serins.
Birds include: Long-eared, Barn and Little Owls, Green and Syrian Woodpeckers, Black Redstarts, Common Nightingale and Serin.
>> see photos from "An exclusive Long (eared Owl) Weekend!" in Kikinda here <